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Alii Marketplace 75-6129 Alii Drive
Kailua-Kona, HI, 96740
United States

800-288-1542 or 808-331-0868

Coffee grown in Kona, Hawaii is one of the most desired beans by coffee connoisseur around the world.  Ferrari Coffee Company has been growing and roasting the best Kona coffee since 1981.


Ferrari Coffee Company grows and roasts the finest coffee grown in Kona, Hawaii, U.S.A.

"Drink the coffee that made me a famous
This Week Magazine Hawaii cover girl!"
You have just discovered the finest gourmet coffee in the world: Ferrari Kona Coffee 5-Star. 

A bit of beautiful Hawaii. A lot of caring and love. A bag of Aloha from a real 100-year-old family-owned coffee plantation on the Big Island of Hawaii. 

Ferrari Coffee has been blessed by the perfect growing climate, located directly above Kona. 

We deal only in the finest products, and our staff is headed by professional and highly motivated people. 

We invite you to share and enjoy the best Hawaii has to offer! Mahalo and Aloha, Nikki Ferrari



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Ferrari Coffee-Hawaiian Mountain Gold is a proud grower & roaster of the finest coffee beans from Kona, Hawaii, USA.